What's a "VIP Membership"? Do I need one?


Administrator - Chairman of the Bored
Staff member
Oct 30, 2017
Reaction score
Q: What's a "VIP Membership"? Do I need one?

A: Not at all! The Soundloop Forum is completely free to join and participate in! With the regular "Registered" membership, you have full access to view everything on the forum, as well as participate in all discussions. A VIP Membership is not required at all.

However, if you enjoy the forum and would like to help us grow, you can purchase a VIP Membership. VIP Membership is just $4 per month, through a recurring monthly PayPal payment. Your membership goes towards helping us cover our operational costs, including dedicated server and bandwidth costs, which can get quite expensive. Your support is greatly appreciated, and you are free to cancel this monthly membership at any time (VIP Membership status will continue until current paid period has expired).

Being a "VIP Supporting Member" provides you with some additional perks:
  • 30MB of Media Gallery storage (for uploading photos, audio files, or video to include in your posts).
  • Conversation (private messages) inbox limit bump up from 15 to 100 conversations.
  • Ability to include up to 4 members in a private conversation.
  • Ability to post ads in the Soundloop Marketplace.
  • Ability to customize your user card title (the title below your avatar in posts).
  • Ability to include links and other features in your signature.
  • The knowledge that you are awesome for supporting us!
For more info, or to upgrade your account, click here.